Readers are encouraged to visit their sites.
Again to the awards presenters, thank you.
David Milner
After consideration I have decided to award your site with The BHP Awards Top Honor, our Gold Medal Site Award. Please place it on your site ...Excellent Work !
Keep it up !
Mark Bailey
...this signify that your site has been judged to contain quality content, design and/or HTML expertise. By displaying the award on your site, you are notifying your visitors that your site is among the best of the Web. For only the best have a chance to win such a prestigious award. I make sure that this is so, by carefully checking every nominated page.
...I feel everyone who has achieved their goal of maintaining an overall "elite" site deserves at the least, a badge of honor. ...I am honored to present it to you. ...I give the award to sites, that in MY opinion are high quality. ...I feel my standards are high, and I feel that it should be a proud thing to display the Elite Site Award on your site.
Again, congrats!
Elite Site Award
...I have reviewed your site and found the content to be exceptional. I am inspired by your efforts to create a visually based presentation for others. I have decided to present you with the Key Site Award.
...You may display it proudly, knowing that this award is only given to those sites that truly excel in design, content, and creativity. Your site will be listed on my winners page. ...Once again, congratulations ...and keep up the good work!
Tom Speer
I am pleased to inform you have been chosen for the Best of the Planet PEOPLE'S CHOICE Awards, July 1998.
Thank you,
John 0. Brady
@tlasNet Inc.
Best of the Planet Awards
Your web site has been chosen by The Nocturnal Society as one of a select few that we consider worthy of our endorsement.
...Thank you for making the web a more interesting place and Keep up the good work!
Daniel McGraw
President and founder of The Nocturnal Society
Congratulations!!......Your site definitely qualifies for the "Critical Mass Award". A very nice site, good design, tasteful graphics, and your content is informative, entertaining, presented well and easy to access. A *worthy* enterprise and a positive contribution to the Web.
Thanks for helping make the Web a more interesting, fun and attractive place to visit. I really enjoyed my visit to your site and will return again when time permits :)
Cheers,...Bill Darling
We have visited your homepage and enjoyed our time there very much. Please accept our award for your wonderful site.
Our 3 judges made a final conclusion that there was no way we could get by without you on our awards list. Here is your ranking:
3 Star
Congradulations. Thanks for Everything ! ! !
Personal (provided by Innovative Web Creations)
ICQ 303903 AOL IM CodeJC1
Thank you and congratulations,
Toufique Harun
A+ Web Design
Again, congragulations and keep up the good work!
You have been selected to be awarded 'Scottcrew's Stamp of Approval Award'!!
Thank-you for submitting your site. Your site is an excellent resource of information for and on the blind. Thank-you for such an informative site!
Please display this award with pride. Once again, Congratulations!
God Bless!
Bonnie Scott
You've earned the "Ultimate Links and Sites" Award!
Please display this award with the pride of knowing that your site is both original in content and aesthetically pleasing! Once again, congratulations!
John F. Ballem
Positive Images Design
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