Who represents the Blind? Who really speaks for blind persons in the United States?
What is the National Federation of the Blind Basic information about the NFB.
Services Available to the blind.
The NFB Publications Page The best online resource for media produced by the blind including blogs, magazine issues, books speeches and reports.
The International Braille and Technology Center for the Blind The latest and best in adaptive technology.
Keyboard Access for older MS Windows, OS/2 & mac operating systems. Alternatives to the mouse.
IRC info/Accessibility for blind and sighted Internet Relay Chat users.
ANY Browser Compatibility For Web authors who wish to make sites accessible for browsers used by the blind (and all other Web browsers).
"If Blindness Comes" Edited by Kenneth Jernigan, this publication widens the understanding of blindness and blind people by detailing how the blind lead their daily lives and cope with everyday situations.
Why I'm a Federationist by David Milner in Accessible HTML or plain text. Why one ordinary person got involved in the NFB.
The NFB Conventions Page
Conventions of the National Federation of the Blind are attended by blind
and sighted people from all over the world. In July of each year, the
blind in their thousands and their sighted friends gather in one location
to discuss issues concerning the blind, draw up plans for positive action,
renew old aquaintences and make new friends.