Hypertext Edition

Kenneth Jernigan


published by


Copyright 1994 by the National Federation of the Blind All Rights Reserved.

Printed in the United States of America

Table of Contents


This Book is for You:

     If you are blind or have a family member or friend who is blind, this
book is for you.  If you are losing your sight or know someone who is,
this book is for you.  If you are a teacher, a social worker, a counselor,
a librarian, or a minister, this book is for you. 
     It is meant to provide information about where to get things and how
to learn new techniques.  Even more important, it is meant to instill
confidence and allay fear. 
     Contrary to popular belief, the real problem of blindness is not the
loss of eyesight but the misunderstanding and misconceptions which exist.
It is no longer theory but fact that with reasonable training and
opportunity the average blind person can compete on terms of equality with
the average sighted person similarly situated.  This book is a manual and
a "how to" guide, not only for the blind but also for those losing sight
and for the members of their families.  It is meant for senior citizens,
for young adults, and for those in between.  It is also meant for parents
of blind children and for professionals in the field. 
     It proclaims that loss of sight need not be a tragedy but that it can
be, and probably will unless correct information is available.  The simple
statement that it is respectable to be blind is our thesis, and that
thesis (though undramatic) is revolutionary.  It points the way to new
hope and unexpected opportunity for those who are blind or are losing
their sight.  So read on, and contact us if you need our help.  


Getting Around in this Hypertext Book

	Helpful navigation links are located at the bottom of each
section, and at the top of each section (in smaller print above the title)
following this first one.  At any time the reader may use these to go to
any section in the book including the Table of Contents.  The reader may
also choose to go back to David Milner's Blindness Page, go to David
Milner's Home Page or send email comments. 

Why Large Type?


	This adaptation is taken from the Large Type edition of the
publication.  I have renamed it the "Hypertext Edition," since it will be
found on and oriented for the World Wide Web.  The editing of this
document has consisted almost entirely of reformatting, so that it may be
more easily read using some of the options available through hypertext. 
	The hypertext version of 'If Blindness Comes' enhances useage of
the document through faster access to specific information, as well as
simplified reading and more eye-catching 'landmarks'.  Please feel free to
'grab' these pages with your Web browser for viewing on your local/home
machine.  If this book is posted in any other public place however, please
remember to keep all copyright notices intact. 

Hypertext is not for everyone. Those who wish to make use of this valuable resource through other formats will find what they need at the Materials Center, located at the National Center for the Blind.

	If there are any questions regarding the reformatting of this 
document, please feel free to send me email at the prompt below.

David Milner (agged0r@yahoo.com)

End of Note

     The type size used in this book is 14 Point for two important
reasons: One, because typesetting of 14 Point or larger complies with
federal standards for the printing of materials for visually impaired
readers, and we wanted to show you what type size is helpful for people
with limited sight. 
     The second reason is that many of our friends and supporters have
asked us to print our paperback books in 14-point type so they too can
easily read them.  Many people with limited sight do not use Braille.  We
hope that by printing this book in a larger type than customary, many more
people will be able to benefit from it. 


			Contact Us! 

     Throughout this book we invite you to contact us for
		information. To do so write to:
		National Federation of the Blind
		    1800 Johnson Street
		  Baltimore, Maryland 21230
Or Visit our Web Site at: http://www.nfb.org/


Top of Page or Contents or Q & A or Who's Blind? or Braille or Travel or Cooking or Sewing or Marking & Labeling or Shopping or Older Blind or Causes of Blindness in the U.S. or Leaders of the Blind or Blindness Page or Home Page or Mail me