Raised markings can be put on dials in a variety of ways and may be helpful to a blind individual. Dials on the oven, stove burners, washing machine and dryer, electric mixer, dishwasher, electric skillet, etcetera may be set more exactly if some special markings are used. It is possible to take a sharp scratch awl and make lines on a plastic or metal surface around the outside of the dial, so that the pointer on the dial can be turned toward these marks. Small daubs of fingernail polish or glue or a commercial product called Hi-Marks can also be used. Notches or bumps of one kind or another can be used to mark almost any dial. It is not necessary to write words or numbers on the dials as is done in print. The blind person will decide what setting should be marked, so he or she will know what they mean. Furthermore, it is not necessary to have every possible dial setting marked. For example, it may be desirable to put Braille markings on an oven dial at 275, 350, 425, and broil. With these four settings marked, it is possible to set the oven dial between them for more accurate control. Many dials may not need special markings. If the dial clicks as it turns, or if a series of buttons are used for settings (in the fashion that is common on many blenders), no additional markings will be needed. In addition, many dials can be set accurately by a blind person even though there are no special markings. An example of this would be the dial for a gas stove burner which can be turned a half or one-quarter turn from off to high flame. As the dial is gradually turned, the flame gets higher or lower. Sometimes a blind person can feel printing on a dial. Even though you cannot read these letters by touch, the roughness of the print and the spacing between the letters or words may be an adequate guide for a blind person in setting the dial. Plastic tape may be used to mark a dial, but other kinds of tape are likely to pull off or wear out quickly. Some appliances and other devices have been marked in Braille or adapted especially for the blind by the manufacturer. In most cases, however, you can use whatever you have on hand just as well as something that has been adapted for use by the blind. For example, a kitchen timer has been adapted for the blind with raised dots on it to show how many minutes it is set for. At most hardware stores, it is possible to purchase for less money kitchen timers that have raised numerals. These can be felt and the timer can be set very accurately. If you already have a kitchen timer with print numerals that are not raised, you can probably still set it accurately. On a 60-minute timer, when the pointer is straight down, it is set for 30 minutes; straight to the right is 15 minutes; halfway between 15 and straight up is 7 1/2 minutes. This timer can be marked with a scratch awl or fingernail polish at 15, 30, and 45 or in some other way. However, many blind people would be able to use it without any special markings. It is largely a matter of personal preference. Other examples similar to this could be given, but the kitchen timer shows why you may not need a special device for the blind, even if you hear it advertised. If a blind person knows some Braille and wishes to make markings with Braille letters this can be done by using Braille dymo tape. Braille dymo tape can be used to mark records, canned goods and other firm surfaces. Canned goods can also be sorted by location on the shelf, or Braille magnetic labels can be purchased. Packages of frozen food can be labeled in Braille, the label held against the package with a rubber band. Plastic Braille labels of this kind can be reused. Of course, it is adequate for many people simply to sort frozen items by arranging them in a certain order in the freezer. Generally, clothes do not need special markings. You can identify shirts, slacks, sweaters, jackets, skirts, dresses, etcetera, by the feel of the fabric, the style, buttons, and other features that vary from one garment to the next. Exceptions to this may be t-shirts or socks. If t-shirts of different colors are otherwise identical, the simplest means of distinguishing one from the other is to tear out the tag on one, leaving it in the other. It would also be possible to sew a small piece of fabric at the back of the neck. Some blind people prefer to wear primarily one color of socks, all black, all white, all blue. In many dime stores it is possible to buy small rings to use when doing the laundry to keep socks mated together. This makes sorting several colors of socks simple, since they should not get mixed together. If you have a slip or undergarment that contrasts with several that are a different color or shade you may wish to mark it in the same way you would mark a t-shirt, so you don't inadvertently wear it under something light-colored or sheer. Although it is possible to label almost anything in Braille or with raised markings, do not let yourself become a slave to such markings. You may find you really don't need very many.