Keyboard Control

Used For Your

Windows NT Workstation 4.0
Windows Millennium
Windows 2000, 98 , 95, 3.1x,
OS/2 and Macintosh

When people think of such graphical user interfaces as Microsoft Windows, IBM OS/2 or Apple Macintosh one of the things that immediately springs to mind is, "point-and-click." For most this way of controlling the interface is fine. Others, for various reasons, need or want a way to manipulate these shells and their related applications that doesn't involve the mouse. One of the easiest and fastest alternatives to the little clickers is keyboard controls and shortcuts.

Keyboard controls and shortcuts are built right into the various graphical user environments and most of the programs that use them. They're right there, available to help make life with the GUI faster and easier.


Microsoft Windows NT Workstation 4.0 Accessibility Options

Microsoft Windows Millennium Shortcuts

Microsoft Windows 2000 Keyboard Control

Microsoft Windows 98 Shortcuts and Control (also for Windows 95

Microsoft Windows 95 Shortcuts

Microsoft Windows 95 Accessibility Options

Microsoft Windows 3.1x Hot Keys

Microsoft Windows 3.1x Access Pack

IBM OS/2 Shortcut Keys

IBM OS/2 Workplace Shell Keys

Apple Macintosh Keyboard Shortcuts

Apple Macintosh Key Combinations


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Greatful thanks to the following:

Peter Hartman and Mitchell Francis for their informational assistance with Windows NT
Harald Eilertsen, M.Sc. for the OS/2 Connect URL.
Jeremy Mathers for direction to the Hobbes OS/2 Archive
Jose Oswaldo Barros de Souza for the list of OS/2 Keyboard Shortcuts
Alexandra Ceelie for the Macintosh keyboard shortcuts

Microsoft, Windows and related terms and materials are Copyright (C) Microsoft Corp.
IBM, OS/2 and related terms and materials are Copyright (C) IBM Corp.
Macintosh, mac and related terms and materials are Copyright (C) Apple Corp.