Double-Punch uses the graphic to catch the eye and lead to the link you choose, then adds to the graphic's impact with a second message, made possible through the power of ALT text. With the use of the double-punch method (and ALT text with graphics in general) you can use pictures on your Web pages to send TWO messages instead of just one. That effectively DOUBLES your message and does more besides.
The old, inefficient way you do three things;
Provide a link to another Web page
Catch the eye with a little style
Send a message in the picture file
With double-punch you accomplish FIVE things;
Provide a link to another Web page
Catch the Eye with a little style
Send a message in the picture file
Send a SECOND message when surfers
put their mouse pointer over the image
Get the word out more by providing access to many Web
Double-punch unleashes the FULL potential of graphic links. The effort to free our POW's and MIA's still held in captivity DEMANDS no less.
If you'd like to see what I'm talking about and you're running the later versions of Internet Explorer or NetScape simply place your mouse pointer over the POW/MIA images below and leave it there for a moment. The alternative text I've added can be replaced by anything you like when you use it on your page.
Now for the POW/MIA images themselves. These are offered for free use. The button images are copyrighted (please see this notice).