The Access Utility can be started at any time to adjust these options. Instructions for starting applications are described in Chapter 2, "Application Basics", in the Windows 3.1 Windows User's Guide (or Chapter 2, ""Basic Skills" in the Windows 3.0 Windows User's Guide).
If you would like to have the Access Utility running at all times, you may have it started automatically every time you start Windows.
If you are running Windows 3.1, you should add a program item for the Access Utility to the "StartUp" program group in Program Manager. For detailed instructions, see Chapter 3, "Program Manager", in the Windows 3.1 Windows User's Guide.
If you are running Windows 3.0, you must edit a file called WIN.INI. To edit the WIN.INI file, you must have a word processor or text editor that has the ability to read, write and save a "text" or "ASCII" file. The WIN.INI file should be in the Windows directory (for example, c:\windows). The second or third line in the WIN.INI file contains the instruction "load = ". If a program name or some command appears after the "load = " instruction, just append the Access Utility onto the line by leaving a blank space and then type "access.exe" (without quotes). For example, to have the Access Utility and the Windows clock program start up as icons each time you start Windows, change the WIN.INI load line to read as follows:
load = clock.exe access.exeIf you would rather have the Access Utility start as an open window, append it to the next line of the WIN.INI file, which has the instruction "run = ".