Here are 140 easily readable colour codes, listed alphabetically. They're divided on the chart below from left to right by colorname, hex code and RGB code.

These work fine for Web authors who wish to code their pages for Netscape and Internet Explorer 3.0 and higher. Those who wish to widen their coverage more by using code readable by almost every graphical browser should use the hex codes. They may also want to visit my Hexidecimal Colour Chart page for an even larger selection of colours.

Start at the top or you can work your way up from the Bottom of the Chart.

Name of Colour In Each Panel
Colour Codes

Decimal Codes

aliceblue"#F0F8FF"240 - 248 - 255
antiquewhite"#FAEBD7"250 - 235 - 215
aqua "#00FFFF"0 - 255 - 255
aquamarine"#7FFFD4"127 - 255 - 212
azure"#F0FFFF"240 - 255 - 255
beige"#F5F5DC"245 - 245 - 220
bisque"#FFE4C4"255 - 228 - 196
black"#000000"0 - 0 - 0
blanchedalmond"#FFEBCD"255 - 255 - 205
blue"#0000FF"0 - 0 - 255
blueviolet"#8A2BE2"138 - 43 - 226
brown"#A52A2A"165 - 42 - 42
burlywood"#DEB887"222 - 184 - 135
cadetblue"#5F9EA0"95 - 158 - 160
chartreuse"#7FFF00"127 - 255 - 0
chocolate"#D2691E"210 - 105 - 30
coral "#FF7F50"255 - 127 - 80
cornflowerblue"#6495ED"100 - 149 - 237
cornsilk"#FFF8DC"255 - 248 - 220
crimson"#DC143C"220 - 20 - 60
cyan"#00FFFF"0 - 255 - 255
darkblue"#00008B"0 - 0 - 139
darkcyan"#008B8B"0 - 139 - 139
darkgoldenrod"#B8860B "184 - 134 - 11
darkgray"#A9A9A9"169 - 169 - 169
darkgreen"#006400"0 - 100 - 0
darkkhaki "#BDB76B"189 - 183 - 107
darkmagenta"#8B008B"139 - 0 - 139
darkolivegreen"#556B2F"85 - 107 - 47
darkorange"#FF8C00"255 - 140 - 0
darkorchid"#9932CC"153 - 50 - 204
darkred"#8B0000"139 - 0 - 0
darksalmon"#E9967A"233 - 150 - 122
darkseagreen"#8FBC8F"143 - 188 - 143
darkslateblue"#483D8B"72 - 61 - 139
darkslategray"#2F4F4F"47 - 79 - 79
darkturquoise"#00CED1"0 - 206 - 209
darkviolet"#9400D3"148 - 0 - 211
deeppink"#FF1493"255 - 20 - 147
deepskyblue"#00BFFF"0 - 191 - 255
dimgray"#696969"105 - 105 - 105
dodgerblue"#1E90FF"30 - 144 - 255
firebrick"#B22222"178 - 34 - 34
floralwhite"#FFFAF0"255 - 250 - 240
forestgreen"#228B22"34 - 139 - 34
fuchsia"#FF00FF"255 - 0 - 255
gainsboro"#DCDCDC"220 - 220 - 220
ghostwhite"#F8F8FF"248 - 248 - 255
gold "#FFD700"255 - 215 - 0
goldenrod"#DAA520"218 - 165 - 32
gray"#BEBEBE"128 - 128 - 128
green"#008000"0 - 128 - 0
greenyellow"#ADFF2F"173 - 255 - 47
honeydew"#F0FFF0"240 - 255 - 240
hotpink"#FF69B4"255 - 105 - 180
indianred"#CD5C5C"205 - 92 - 92
indigo"#4B0082"75 - 0 - 130
ivory"#FFFFF0"255 - 240 - 240
khaki"#F0D58C"240 - 230 - 140
lavender"#E6E6FA"230 - 230 - 250
lavenderblush"#FFF0F5"255 - 240 - 245
lawngreen"#7CFC00"124 - 252 - 0
lemonchiffon"#FFFACD"255 - 250 - 205
lightblue"#ADD8E6"173 - 216 - 230
lightcoral"#F08080"240 - 128 - 128
lightcyan"#E0FFFF"224 - 255 - 255
lightgoldenrodyellow "#FAFAD2"250 - 250 - 210
lightgreen"#90EE90"144 - 238 - 144
lightgrey"#D3D3D3"211 - 211 - 211
lightpink"#FFB6C1"255 - 182 - 193
lightsalmon"#FFA07A"255 - 160 - 122
lightseagreen"#20B2AA"32 - 178 - 170
lightskyblue"#87CEFA"135 - 206 - 250
lightslategray"#778899"119 - 136 - 153
lightsteelblue"#B0C4DE"176 - 196 - 222
lightyellow"#FFFFE0"255 - 255 - 224
lime"#00FF00"0 - 255 - 0
limegreen"#32CD32"50 - 205 - 50
linen"#FAF0E6"250 - 240 - 230
magenta"#FF00FF"255 - 0 - 255
maroon"#800000"128 - 0 - 0
mediumaquamarine"#66CDAA"102 - 205 - 170
mediumblue"#0000CD"0 - 0 - 205
mediumorchid"#BA55D3"186 - 85 - 211
mediumpurple"#9370DB"147 - 112 - 219
mediumseagreen"#3CB371"60 - 179 - 113
mediumslateblue"#7B68EE"123 - 104 - 238
mediumspringgreen"#00FA9A"0 - 250 - 154
mediumturquoise"#48D1CC"72 - 209 - 204
mediumvioletred"#C71585"199 - 21 - 133
midnightblue"#191970"25 - 25 - 112
mintcream"#F5FFFA"245 - 255 - 250
mistyrose"#FFE4E1"255 - 228 - 225
moccasin"#FFE4B5"255 - 228 - 181
navajowhite"#FFDEAD"255 - 222 - 173
navy"#000080"0 - 0 - 128
oldlace"#FDF5E6"253 - 245 - 230
olive"#808000"128 - 128 - 0
olivedrab"#6B8E23"107 - 142 - 35
orange"#FFA500"255 - 165 - 0
orangered"#FF4500"255 - 69 - 0
orchid"#DA70D6"218 - 112 - 214
palegoldenrod"#EEE8AA"238 - 232 - 170
palegreen"#98FB98"152 - 251 - 152
paleturquoise"#AFEEEE"175 - 238 - 238
palevioletred"#DB7093"219 - 112 - 147
papayawhip"#FFEFD5"255 - 239 - 213
peachpuff"#FFDAB9"255 - 218 - 185
peru"#CD853F"205 - 133 - 63
pink"#FFC0CB"255 - 192 - 203
plum"#DDA0DD"221 - 160 - 221
powderblue"#B0E0E6"176 - 224 - 230
purple"#800080"128 - 0 - 128
red"#FF0000"255 - 0 - 0
rosybrown"#BC8F8F"188 - 143 - 143
royalblue"#4169E1"65 - 105 - 225
saddlebrown"#8B4513"139 - 69 - 19
salmon"#FA8072"250 - 128 - 114
sandybrown"#F4A460"244 - 164 - 96
seagreen"#2E8B57"46 - 139 - 87
seashell"#FFF5EE"255 - 245 - 238
sienna"#A0522D"160 - 82 - 45
silver"#C0C0C0"192 - 192 - 192
skyblue"#87CEEB"135 - 206 - 235
slateblue"#6A5ACD"106 - 90 - 205
slategray"#708090"112 - 128 - 144
snow"#FFFAFA"255 - 250 - 250
springgreen"#00FF7F"0 - 255 - 127
steelblue"#4682B4"70 - 130 - 180
tan"#D2B48C"210 - 180 - 140
teal"#008080"0 - 128 - 128
thistle"#D8BFD8"216 - 191 - 216
tomato"#FF6347"253 - 99 - 71
turquoise"#40E0D0"64 - 224 - 208
violet"#EE82EE"238 - 130 - 238
wheat"#F5DEB3"245 - 222 - 179
white"#FFFFFF"255 - 255 - 255
whitesmoke"#F5F5F5"245 - 245 - 245
yellow"#FFFF00"255 - 255 - 0
yellowgreen"#9ACD32"154 - 205 - 50

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