From Austin, Texas 1995...
![Milner's](anitexas.gif) Burlington, Vermont 2014
And Counting
Welcome to the website I've been working on for almost nineteen
years. The last update was Monday, July
7, 2014. weather information found here is
updated constantly. Since 1995 themes for this
site have included content, total access and originality.
I'm celebrating close to TWO Decades of trying to give
visitors things here that would usually not be thousands of other places on the Web.
Readers are invited to use the mail links to share their constructive thoughts. There's
*ALWAYS* room for improvement! B-)
: Who/What is Aggedor?
My Bio
for Personal Data
Tribute to U.S. Servicepeople and Veterans
Bring American Heroes Home.
Blindness : Information
and Resources
HTML Colour
Charts : EASY to Read
Internet Relay
Chat for ALL : with Help & Extras
Access : Breaking the Mouse Barrier!
Text-Friendly *WEATHER
GATEWAY* For Everyone
Test Your
Personality Type!
Space : From Home
The Blue Ribbon Online Free Speech Campaign as run by the Electronic
Frontier Foundation is an effort that I have supported since writing my first web pages in
1995. All visitors to my website interested in maintaining free speech on the Internet
should consider following the link above and supporting the EFF.
Send an email
to me
POW/MIA-related email
should be sent to the address in this
paragraph's link,